Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hedgehog Roast

Hedgehog roast is what the wealthy ate.

The ingredients are: 5kg of Hedgehog meat, long grass to cover the meat while cooking. Then they would set up a barbecue area, find a large pot, fill it with water then put in the meat and cook it. After 2hours of cooking you take it out, remove the grass, then put the meat back in to cook some more. Then carve and serve.
Henry 2nd died in a tragic jousting accident when the lance pierced his visor and temple. OUCH!!!

Medieval Literature

There are many pieces of literature that are well known today such as The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Song of Roland and The Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. they are all great pieces of literature and if you read them they are pretty interesting.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The topic I chose for my project is swords!

Vikings Attack!

The topic I chose is where the vikings attacked. They attacked along the Britain's coast, Ireland, North Spain, West France, and around the Baltic Sea (Russia, Ukrahin, and others). They mostly attacked monistaries and churches.

My BAD computer wouldn't let me put in any pictures!!!!!!!!!

medival armor and tactics

The reason I chose this topic was because it was very interesting to me. It was also a topic I was researching first. This is also a fun topic because it is interesting.

-this is a night with no head.

middle ages homes

The topic i chose was middle ags homes. I think it is important to know about what they had for homes back then so we can compare houses from back then to now.

My topic is... the one and only...... JOUSTING TOURNAMENTS!! the best entertainment a medieval person can find

about farming by devon

The farming in the middle ages is........ hard work!!!! Where do I start?Well.......

100 Year War

I chose this topic because I wanted to know about the wars back then and this was the one that Mr. Spag suggested to me. I also thought it would of been interesting to reserch wars back then.


I chose the topic blacksmiths because I was interested in how weapons were made.(He looks like Santa, but his beard needs to be longer.)

women's clothes in midevial times

I chose this topic because I always wondered about it. I find that it is fun to research this time period.

Medieval Food

Medieval cannolies

Medieval Chicken

Medieval vegtables

My topic for my blog is midevil food. I chose this topic because I am curious about what they ate. I am also 100% sure that they didn't eat microwaveable popcorn.


I chose the topic torture because I was interested in the kinds of torture they used back then. I wondered if they used torture often.

Literature of the Medivial Times

The topic I chose for the Middle Ages was literature. I chose this because i thought it would be interesting about how they wrote and what they wrote about. It was mostly written in Latin, but not all. Some of them start with big fancy letters or pictures.

medevil wepons

my topic for my blog is medevil weapons because i have always wanted to know what they were. Here are some.
the topic i chose for my project is swords!!!!!!


I chose to learn about language because I wanted to learn about how they wrote and how they spoke to each other.

Midevil Deaths

I happily chose death for my middle ages topic. I think it's very important to know the death rate so one can see how civilization evolved.


The topic I chose for my Medieval Project is Heraldry. I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to see how knights decorate their shields.

What Did Men Wear in the Medivial Times?

The topic I chose for the Medivial times was mens clothing. I chose this because I wanted to know about what they wore. Now I know.They wore things like in the picture to your left. they didn't always wear the plate armor.(like the picture to your right)

Who Was Harald the Fair Hair????

The topic I chose to research is Harald The Fair Hair. I chose this topic because I am Norske, and so is Harald. Also, at the Norske Fest at my church, every year I do a slideshow for everybody with Harald in it, and I found his history interesting.

Harald is definitely awesome, and very interesting!
As he would say, hadu godt!


The topic I chose was castles. I chose castles because I loved Cinderella's castle in Disenyworld over the summer. When I think of castles I think middle ages. I think of the king in a big red lether chair. As you might know that Cinderella's castle is not very medievil but it is fun!!! :)

Seige Weapons...FUN!

The topic I chose is seige weapons. The mideval people had some very advanced seige technology, from arrows to giant trebuchets. Let's start with trebuchets. To narrow it down to modern times, it's almost a lethal version of pumpkin chunkin'. You load the rock or whatever ammo you decide is the best to take down an empire.
You then MUST lock the swing arm into place. After that, you can load the bucket with rocks. This will give the swing arm thrust to sendthe ammo flying.
Now let's move on to the ballista, or a giant crossbow. Flaming arrows were sent flying over tower walls.

Your Very Own Blog Post!

A Medieval Manor

Hi there, HHHHs!

(You do remember what all those Hs stand for, don't you?) Today we're going to take a look at how to actually create a post of your own. Watch carefully, listen hard, and you just might be able to create the coolest post ever!

Posting to our class blog IS going to be an assignment - but you might not get to finish it today. You can, however, start a post, save what you've done, and then come back to it later.

Jousting Helmet
So, we're going to learn how to manipulate font style, size, color, and alignment, and we'll take a look at how photos  and pictures are added, as well as how to insert a hyperlink (like this one) to some other location on the Internet.

A Medieval Court Jester
What are we waiting for? Let's go!